Coalition for Immokalee supporters stage a protest outside a Trader Joe's in La Grange, IL

Traders Joe’s is hardly the lone ranger when in comes to refusing to sign the Fair Food Agreement. Others, like Kroger, are as guilty of not signing the Agreement. In fact, Barry Estabrook detailed the plight of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) in his book Tomatoland. I wrote a review of the book for Natural Awakenings magazine and I will admit that it’s hard to think of buying or eating tomatoes without thinking of the workers and lack of rights.

So now a campaign has begun circulating asking people to sign it and send a message to the CEO of Traders Joe’s that it should sign the Fair Food Agreement and increase the amount it pays workers by ONE PENNY a pound ONE PENNY. This may not mean a lot to Traders Joe’s but it will mean something to the workers who pick the tomatoes who make as little as $50 per 12 hour day. This is yet another way we, as consumers, can make our voice heard.

Have you signed on? Will you?
